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Estimating Heart Attack Risk with Framingham Risk Score

Estimating Heart Attack Risk with Framingham Risk Score

Judi was 68. Her doctor wanted to put her on statins because of her age and an LDL cholesterol value of 168. Her doctor also calculated her Framingham Risk Score, and she got 6.4%. That means she had a 6.4% probability of getting a heart attack, stroke, or any cardiovascular...

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What a Stress Test Can (and Can’t) Tell You

What a Stress Test Can (and Can’t) Tell You

Plaque in arteries causes bad things.  It causes heart attacks, the #1 cause of death (CDC, “Heart Disease Facts,” 2020). It causes strokes, the #1 cause of permanent disability (CDC, “Stroke Facts,” 2020). Scientists also continue to debate the linkage between plaque and...

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