About Us

Heart attacks and strokes are optional.

At PrevMed, we focus on preventing not only heart attack and stroke but also type 2 diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic diseases. We serve patients who have already experienced an event as well as those who have not developed a diagnosis or event.

Our approach is to reduce or eliminate risks through attentive care and state-of-the-art genetic testing, imaging, lab tests, and telemedicine options.

Our Team

Dr. Ford Brewer

Dr. Ford Brewer


Dr. Ford Brewer ran the postgraduate program in prevention at Johns Hopkins, has over 25 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals and has run several large medical staff teams in prevention, primary care, and telemedicine. Many of our patients have come to love Dr. Brewer’s Youtube channel with insight on the science behind our approach.

As a Provider, he will spend time with you discussing treatment options and develop a plan of care.

Michelle Hamilton

Michelle Hamilton

Practice Manager

Michelle Hamilton joined the PrevMed team in April 2018. She comes from a strong health management background and worked for Health First Network in Pensacola for over 18 years.

Michelle oversees the day-to-day operations of PrevMed. Her duties include marketing, accounting, website maintenance, patient enrollment scheduling lab coordination, and patient care coordination.

Our Mission

We help aging adults to maintain quality of life through collaborative decision making on how to prevent chronic disease and improve their lifestyle.

Our Vision

Be the topnotch destination in the practice and education on the prevention of heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cognitive decline, and other chronic diseases.

Our Values

Science-driven. Prevention over cure. Educate people through quality and user-friendly content.

Why Choose Us

We provide the science. At PrevMed, you’ll learn a lot about preventive health through our courses, videos, conferences, and webinars. The terms and formats are presented in a user-friendly manner.
We practice patient-directed care. We set up the systems for you to learn what you need and why you need it. Then we set up the systems so you can get what you need, like lab tests, imaging, and consultations.
We focus on prevention rather than cure. We’re here to help you adopt healthy lifestyle changes so you can age well without any disability or chronic disease.